Our Prices


General Dentistry

Consultation - Free

Check up and X-ray - $99/Gap Free*

Check up and Cleaning (X-ray included) - $149/ Gap Free*

Gap Free-  For patients with private health dental cover & not reached annual limit


One Surface - $160

Two Surfaces - $190

Three Surfaces - $220

Four/ Five Surfaces - $250

Root Canals

Front Tooth - $750

Premolar Tooth - $850

Molar Tooth - $1,050


Crown (porcelain fused to metal) - $1,200

Crown  (zirconia)   - $1,200

Crown  (all ceramic)  - $1,200

Three-unit Bridge  - $3,000

Tooth Extractions

Non-surgical - $190

Surgical - $260

Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom Tooth Removal - $420

All four Wisdom Teeth - $1,550


Single Tooth Implants –Back - $3,900

Single Tooth Implants – Front - $4,600


 Denture Repairs - $150 - $250

Partial Acrylic Dentures - $900

Partial Chrome Dentures - $1,500

Full Dentures - Upper & Lower - $2,500

Implant Retained Dentures - $2,500


Composite Veneer (1 tooth) - $360

Front 6 Composite Veneers - $1,800

Porcelain Veneer (1 tooth)  - $900

Front 6 Porcelain Veneers - $5,000

Cosmetic Dentistry & Others

 Mouth guard - $160

Teeth Whitening - $350

Anti-Snoring & Apnoea Device - $650

Any questions?

Talk to our friendly team today